US Department of Commerce requests feedback on its new cybersecurity report

US Department of Commerce | Cybersecurity — The US Department of Commerce released a green paper on cybersecurity with recommendations for improving cybersecurity via self regulation, or voluntary codes of conduct. The report, Cybersecurity, Innovation, and the Internet Economy also contains a discussion of some privacy issues, such as the impact of data breach notification laws. Comments are due in 45 days.

WPF requests more information about Ceridian data breach and the FTC complaint process

Data breach — The World Privacy Forum filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission regarding its consent decree against Ceridian regarding a substantial data breach. WPF has requested that the Commission present more facts in the case to the public, and has also requested more clarity about the FTC complaint process, noting that it is not a transparent process for the public.

Public Comments: May 2011 – WPF requests more information about Ceridian data breach and the FTC complaint process

The World Privacy Forum filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission regarding its consent decree against Ceridian regarding a substantial data breach. WPF has requested that the Commission present more facts in the case to the public, and has also requested more clarity about the FTC complaint process, noting that it is not a transparent process for the public.

WPF Files Comments on Deeply Flawed FERPA Proposal

Educational Privacy and FERPA — The WPF filed detailed comments on the U.S. Department of Education\’s notice of proposed changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. WPF has concerns that the increased sharing of student information that the proposed rule will allow will diminish student privacy in a significant and permanent way. WPF is urging the DOE to amend its proposed rule to establish increased privacy protections for sensitive student information held in databases and elsewhere.