Privacy in India Video Series: WPF

India and Privacy — WPF has researched privacy extensively in India, and has documented a number of key privacy issues in a video series. So far, 5 videos in the series have been released. All of the videos were shot on location in India and feature Pam Dixon, with videographer Blake Hamilton. These videos offer a rare and early glimpse into privacy interactions and issues in India

Online privacy debate at IAB leadership summit

Online privacy — Pam Dixon will participate in the IAB’s formal privacy policy debate as a privacy and consumer representative on Tuesday, Feb. 26. This marks the first time the IAB annual leadership summit has hosted a formal policy debate. The debate will be moderated by Katy Kay of Advertising Age.

Consumer experiences of job searching and online reputation

Reputation and privacy — Pam Dixon spoke at the Southwestern Law School Privacy Conference on the topic of reputational privacy Friday the 22cnd along with Neville Johnson and Paul Tweed. Dixon highlighted three key consumer situations WPF assisted with recently, discussing the employment challenges consumers faced when harmful material was available online during the job search process.

NTIA drafting process ongoing

Mobile Privacy — The World Privacy Forum attended the NTIA Multistakeholder meeting as one of the core drafters of the code of conduct being considered by the NTIA Multistakeholder process. WPF and the other drafters are accepting comments from all stakeholders in preparation of the next iteration of the draft.