Data Brokers and the Federal Government: A New Front in the Battle for Privacy Opens | All Appendices

  You are reading Appendices A, B, and C of Data Brokers and the Federal Government: A New Front in the Battle for Privacy Opens   Report Links: Report Home & Executive Summary Download the full report (PDF) Jump to other sections of the report: Executive Summary | I.Introduction | II. Discussion | III. Recommendations | IV. Conclusion | Appendices     Appendix A: Chronology of the

Consumer Tips: Facebook Privacy Guide – Key Things to Know Before Hitting Someone Else’s Wall

  FAQ: I am new to Facebook. What do I need to know about posting to someone else’s Timeline?   When you first join Facebook, you can discover many old friends, acquaintances and relatives you may have lost touch with and want to recontact. It can be exhilarating to find so many of your contacts

Mobil Privacy Summit

Learn to protect mobile users and build safe mobile apps at the Mobile Privacy Summit Oct. 23 in Los Angeles. The office of California Attorney General Kamala Harris and the Federal Trade Commission join WPF’s Pam Dixon and other privacy experts to discuss best practices and regulatory requirements you should be aware of to ensure the privacy of mobile app users. Registration is free of charge.

Consumer Tips: What to do about the NSA address book snooping

The Washington Post published new revelations from Edward Snowden’s leaked documents that revealed that the NSA is scooping up millions of email and IM address books globally. This is a serious piece of snooping business, and it deserves immediate attention on a policy level. For people who are reading this and wondering what you can do today, right now, here are some immediate steps to take.