Data Brokers Opt Out List
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Washington, D.C. — Pam Dixon will be testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee today at 2:30 pm Eastern. The hearing, held by Senator Rockefeller, focuses on data brokers, what information they are collecting from consumers, and what they are doing with the information. The hearing will take place after a year-long investigation into data brokers
WPF Blog Post Forbes has published a thoughtful article about Big Data, reeling the hype attached to the catchy term back to reality. The article, written by Forbes contributors Woodrow Hartzog and Evan Selinger, outlines why the term Big Data isn’t used by people who actually work in Big Data. The article meanders
WPF Comments on Genomic Data Sharing Policy for sharing, for research purposes, of large-scale human and nonhuman genomic data (NIH) Background: The National Institutes of Health published a draft Data Sharing Policy for human and non-human genomic data. The sharing is for research purposes. The World Privacy Forum comments focus on human genomic privacy. Our
WPF filed comments today asking The National Institutes of Health to make changes to its draft Genomic Data Sharing Policy for sharing, for research purposes, of large-scale human and nonhuman genomic data. The World Privacy Forum comments focus on human genomic privacy. “We are most concerned in our comments that the NIH find a full range of privacy protections for genomic data to be used for research. We are interested in a full arsenal from encryption to certificates of confidential to civil and criminal penalties for misuse. Consent — as alluring as the idea is — cannot by itself carry all of the privacy water,” said Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum.