Privacy News: US Senate passes USA FREEDOM Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2015 San Diego — Today, the United States Senate passed the USA FREEDOM Act in a vote of 67 – 32. As passed, the final bill will limit the “bulk collection” of Americans’ phone data after the President has signed the bill into law. “This bill reforms the National Security

WPF supports new FCC proposal to reduce robocalls and give consumers more choice

The FCC has announced that it will be considering a declaratory order and ruling June 18, 2015 on more than 20 petitions about robocalls. The ruling would update and clarify the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The news is very good for consumers, because the FCC has stated clearly in its announcement that phone companies must do more

Public comments: WPF encourages NIST to refine report on de-identification of personally identifiable information

The World Privacy Forum submitted comments today to the National Institute of Standards and Technology in response to its publication, Draft Report on De-Identification of Personally Identifiable Information (NISTIR 8053). The WPF welcomes the draft NIST report, as the area of de-identification and re-identification of personal data swirls with controversy and confusion. We see considerable value