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Consumer Tips: Job Seekers’ Guide to Resumes – Twelve Resume Posting Truths

It is important to circulate a resume when looking for work, but these days criminals and identity thieves are all too interested in finding and using resumes for all the wrong reasons. In the information economy, your resume has a “street value.” It’s sad to say, but unfortunately your name, home address, telephone number, even your detailed work history can have value to identity thieves and fraudsters. It is also important to protect your resume from people and businesses who want to use it primarily to make a profit instead of primarily to help you find employment.

World Privacy Forum celebrates International Privacy Day

International Privacy Day — The World Privacy Forum celebrated International Privacy Day by joining other privacy and civil liberties organizations in encouraging the U.S. Senate to adopt the Council of Europe Privacy Convention. The U.S. has already ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime. International Privacy Day was founded three years ago by the Council of Europe, and is celebrated by privacy, civil liberties, and consumer groups in Europe, North America and elsewhere.

Public Comments: September 2008 – World Privacy Forum urges more attention to the protection of research study participants

Human Subjects Research Protection (OHRP) — The World Privacy Forum filed comments with the Office of Human Research Protection urging the office to do more to protect the privacy of people who are subjects of research. The comments urge the OHRP to focus more attention on providing privacy-specific training for boards overseeing research, which are often weak in knowledge about the breadth of privacy issues in research. The WPF also voiced its strong support for certificates of confidentiality for research involving human subjects, stating that “nearly all research that involves identifiable health data or other personal data about individuals should have a certificate of confidentiality unless a researcher can state a substantive reason why a certificate is not appropriate for the study.”