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Data Brokers and the Federal Government: A New Front in the Battle for Privacy Opens | All Appendices

  You are reading Appendices A, B, and C of Data Brokers and the Federal Government: A New Front in the Battle for Privacy Opens   Report Links: Report Home & Executive Summary Download the full report (PDF) Jump to other sections of the report: Executive Summary | I.Introduction | II. Discussion | III. Recommendations | IV. Conclusion | Appendices     Appendix A: Chronology of the

WPF Key Reports

WPF has written numerous ground breaking reports. The reports listed here are good key reference points for our work, as each report has been impactful and has changed the public dialogue. In some cases, laws were changed based on our findings or recommendations, particularly when there were pronounced and unambiguous harms associated with the issues


The World Privacy Forum is a globally recognized NGO working in privacy, identity, and emerging privacy/tech issues. We conduct respected research on the most important privacy and data protection issues of our time, and also offer consumers direct privacy support and assistance. Our work has broken new ground, provided the foundations for new consumer protection

Letter to FTC re: Equifax sales of consumer info to predatory lenders

In 2012, the US Federal Trade Commission brought a remarkable case against Equifax for selling consumer financial information — which included credit scores and late mortgage payment information– to companies offering services to consumers in financial distress. The World Privacy Forum commented to the FTC on this case, which was important for a number of reasons.