WPF to testify about AI and privacy at Federal Trade Commission

WPF executive director Pam Dixon will testify before the US Federal Trade Commission in a hearing focused on “Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Predictive Analytics,” to be held Nov. 13-14, 2018 in Washington DC. Event details Date: November 13 & 14, 9am-5 pm Location: HOWARD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW 2900 Van Ness St NW, Washington, DC

Keynote address, United Nations; Women and Privacy

WPF Executive Director will be addressing the United Nations in a keynote talk 7 November, Global digital privacy myths and realities for women. The address will kick off a workshop focused on safe provisioning of services for women globally. The event will be held at UN Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. During the workshop portion of the

Biometrics Institute Congress, biometrics & ethics

Executive Director Pam Dixon will be speaking at the Biometrics Institute Congress during Biometrics Week, October 16-19. “I am pleased to be speaking at the international biometrics Congress regarding the vital issue of ethics and social impact of biometrics,” said Pam Dixon. “Biometrics are increasingly used in everyday situations, and are having equally increasing impacts.”

OECD AI Expert Group; participant

Going Digital, Working Party on Security and Privacy in the Digital Economy, OECD, 24-25 Sept. 2018. Paris, France. Pam Dixon, WPF Executive Director, is an expert advisor to the OECD on AI as part of the AI Expert Group. This is the first meeting of the group, to discuss a principle framework. https://www.oecd.org/going-digital/