2003 Job Search Privacy Study: Methodology
A. Site Methodology
B. Methodology for Analyzing Resume Distribution Sites
C. Resume Writing Services Methodology
A. Site Methodology
B. Methodology for Analyzing Resume Distribution Sites
C. Resume Writing Services Methodology
When we update this report or make any changes to it, we will make notice of it in this section.
November 12, 2003: One typo corrected, page numbers added, font size of endnotes increased. “Updates” section added to report and index.
November 11, 2003: Report issued on www.worldprivacyforum.org.
We are including only the screens from the first screen through the end of the background check and EEO compliance screens. A longer range of screens which includes a portion of the personality test is available by looking at the Sports Authority application site online.
Pam Dixon, during the course of researching a separate study of resume databases, has discovered serious consumer privacy issues in resume databases that rise to the level of deserving immediate consumer notice. This report, below, highlights her findings.
Pam Dixon, during the course of researching a separate study of resume databases, has discovered serious consumer privacy issues in resume databases that rise to the level of deserving immediate consumer notice. This report, below, highlights her findings.
The report itself is comprised of a consumer notice, which is based primarily on public documents. The report also contains policy recommendations and job seeker tips.