Public Comments: July 2007 – WPF requests that the new National Disaster Medical System protect all patient information to standards at least equal to HIPAA

The World Privacy Forum has filed public comments with the Department of Health and Human Services requesting that its new National Disaster Medical System protect all patient information to at least the baseline protections that HIPAA affords, including the HIPAA security and privacy protections. Currently, the new system does not do this, even though the system is housed at HHS, the agency which promulgated the HIPAA standards. The National Disaster Medical System currently contains overbroad routine uses which could potentially result in significant privacy and even public health issues. For example, public health information will not be able to be disclosed under the National Disaster Medical System as the system is currently organized. Additionally, some of the current routine uses in the system would authorize disclosures that would be illegal under HIPAA. For example, Congressional disclosure of a HIPAA record requires a written authorization, something the new system does not require.

World Privacy Forum’s Top Ten Opt Out List

Top ten opt out list — This is a list of what top things to opt out of, and how to opt out. Millions of people have heard about the Do Not Call list, an opt out list that gets people off of telemarketing lists. But many fewer people have heard about the other opt outs that are available, like those that can take people out of data broker lists or opt outs that can stop schools from giving out directory information like email and home addresses. Opting out can range from the not-too-difficult (the Do Not Call list is a fairly simple opt out) to the challenging. This list is meant to simplify the information about which opt out does what, to help decide if a particular opt out is the right choice, and how to go about opting out.

Archived WPF Privacy Policy 2007- 2009

This privacy policy applies to the World Privacy Forum web site, This privacy policy may change from time to time in response to new laws, to changes made to the web site, or otherwise. The World Privacy Forum reserves the right to make changes to the policy, but does not anticipate making major adjustments to the approach outlined here.

Public Comments: June 2007 – FDA/AHRQ Public Workshop, Implementation of Risk Minimization Action Plans to Support Quality Use of Pharmaceuticals: Opportunities and Challenges

The FDA has not paid attention to privacy standards that should be applied to RiskMAP programs. Unfortunately, this lack of FDA attention has resulted in inappropriate and unethical marketing to patients using patient information gathered for treatment purposes. If these marketing activities were being conducted by HIPAA-covered entities, the activities would be illegal. These activities may well be illegal in California, which has a strong state-level medical privacy law that goes beyond HIPAA.