News Release and Event Announcement: International Privacy and Security Conference 2008

This conference is convened for the purpose of gaining a deepened mutual understanding of privacy and security approaches cross-culturally, with the conference providing an international forum for discussing and understanding the different concepts of privacy and security in the US, Asia, and the EU. Through sharing of current practices and ideas, the participants will explore possible bridges between what these concepts mean in different countries both now and looking to the future as well.

Comments of the World Privacy Forum to the FTC re: Ingenix and Milliman FCRA enforcement action

Medical privacy — Some recent articles about the sale of patients’ prescription histories to insurance companies have raised many consumer questions about this practice. Ingenix and Milliman — two companies engaged in this practice — were the subject of a Federal Trade Commission enforcement action which was published for comment in September 2007. The World Privacy Forum provided formal comments to the Federal Trade Commission last year about this enforcement action; the WPF sought to have all affected consumers notified of adverse actions taken based on the information, and asked the FTC to modify its enforcement action to include an appropriate monetary penalty against the two companies.

FTC reports more than 145 million telephone numbers are in the National Do Not Call Registry

Do Not Call Registry — In its fourth annual report to Congress on the Do Not Call Registry, the Federal Trade Commission released some interesting new statistics. As of September 2007, there were 145,498,656 telephone numbers in the Do Not Call Registry. The FTC also reported that 6,242 entities paid over $21 million for access to the DNC Registry in 2007. The report also details the FTC’s enforcement actions against businesses violating the DNC Registry rules. As of September 30, 2007, the FTC had filed 25 cases regarding DNC Registry violations and had settled 22 of the cases.