Privacy in the Clouds: Introduction and Summary of Findings

Cloud computing has significant implications for the privacy of personal information as well as for the confidentiality of business and governmental information. A principal goal of this analysis is to identify privacy and confidentiality issues that may be of interest or concern to cloud computing participants. While the storage of user data on remote servers is not new, current emphasis on and expansion of cloud computing warrants a more careful look at its actual and potential privacy and confidentiality consequences.

Privacy in the Clouds: When Can a Business Share Information with a Cloud Provider?

The United States has several privacy laws applicable to particular types of records or businesses. Some of these laws establish privacy standards that have bearing on a decision by a business to use a cloud provider. Others laws do not. Some laws specifically allow a business to share personal information with another company that provides support services to the business. Specific statutory references to the use of a service provider have no apparent pattern in privacy laws. Some privacy laws have them; some do not.

Privacy in the Clouds: Consequences of Third Party Storage for Individuals and Businesses

Even when no laws or obligations block the ability of a user to disclose information to a cloud provider, disclosure may still not be free of consequences. Information stored with a third party (including a cloud computing provider) may have fewer or weaker privacy protections than information in the possession of the creator of the information. Government agencies and private litigants may be able to obtain information from a third party more easily than from the creator of the information. The expanded ability of the government and others to obtain information from a third party affects both businesses and individuals.

Privacy in the Clouds: Policy Observations

Cloud computing is well underway and appears to be expanding rapidly. There has been a good deal of public discussion of the technical architecture of cloud computing and the business models that could support it. Debate about the legal and policy issues regarding privacy and confidentiality raised by cloud computing has not kept pace. The findings set out at the beginning of this document are a contribution to the debate, as are the following policy observations.