WPF presenting keynote speech to leading academic publishers on privacy

Pam Dixon will be giving a keynote speech to the annual meeting of the leading US academic and scholarly publishers, the International Association of STM Publishers. This is a follow-up to her keynote in London last fall on big data, privacy, and publishing.

Where: National Press Club

When: April 28, 11:15 am

What: Keynote followed by data privacy panel.

Description: (From STM) The freedom to pursue intellectual pursuits and scholarship requires a freedom from oversight and control. In the library sphere that has translated into a freedom from tracking of reading behavior and privacy controls on data about content that has been searched for and accessed. However, as the amount of content has moved increasingly online, and the number of services that libraries provide are mediated electronically in some form, the privacy polices, systems controls, and data use policies have not kept pace with the rapid transformations online.

One key aspect of this is the fact that many library services that had traditionally been controlled within the library are now managed by service providers. During this talk, we will examine the roll that publishers now play in providing library services to patrons and the ethical, policy, and legal implications that brings with it, as highlighted in NISO’s Patron Privacy Principles published last fall, which will be covered.

More information: STM Annual US conference


  • Posted April 6, 2016 in