WPF presenting at G20 Digital Policies for the Future Multistakeholder Conference
WPF’s Pam Dixon has been invited by the German government to speak at the G20 Digital Policies for the Future Multi-stakeholder Conference taking place 6 April in Dusseldorf, Germany. The event brings together 300 stakeholders to discuss aspects of digital transformation. WPF’s role will be to discuss encouraging transparency and creating confidence in the digital world on panel three of the event. The panel includes:
Moderator: Christopher Springate
- Bertrand de la Chapelle, Executive Director, Internet and Jurisdiction
- Kathy Brown, President and CEO, Internet Society
- Pam Dixon, Founder, World Privacy Forum
- Prof. Gesche Joost, Berlin University of the Arts
- Carlos López Blanco, Global Head Public and Regulatory Affairs, Telefonica S.A.
- John Frank, Vice-President EU Government Affairs, Microsoft Europe
- Gerd Billen, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Germany
From the press release for the event:
“Statesecretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Matthias Machnig, launched today the digital conference entitled “Key Issues for Digital Transformation in the G20” which is jointly being hosted by the German G20 presidency and the OECD. The conference will kick off the G20 digital ministers’ process launched by Federal Minister Gabriel, which will culminate in a meeting of G20 digital ministers in Düsseldorf on 6-7 April.
Gabriela Ramos, G20-Sherpa and Chief of Staff of the OECD, presented the key findings of the “Key Issues for Digital Transformation in the G20” (PDF: 8 MB) report prepared by the OECD on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. She stressed the need for policies that bolster fair competition, trust and confidence in the digital economy and widely ensure access to the technologies as well as the know-how to use them. These issues will be key themes for a 2-year, OECD-wide project – “Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being” – which was also launched at the conference.” ….