WPF participating in NYU’s KAVLI ethics workgroup, co-moderating

WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon will be co-moderating a portion of New York University’s KAVLI Human project ethics working group meeting to discuss research guidelines for the project. KAVLI is a wide-ranging, significant longitudinal human subjects research study that also crosses into new areas of big data research. WPF is pleased to be able to participate meaningfully in the foundational ethics issues in this groundbreaking project.

Meeting location: NYU

Date: Friday, Sept. 23, 2016

The meeting is by invitation only, however, more information about the KAVLI research project is available here: http://kavlihumanproject.org.

More background on Kavli from kavlihumanproject.org:

“The Kavli HUMAN Project will be the first true study of all of the factors that make humans… human. For the first time ever we are now able to quantify the human condition using rigorous science and big data approaches to understand what makes us well and what makes us ill by measuring the feedback mechanisms between biology, behavior, and our environment in the bio-behavioral complex.”



  • Posted September 21, 2016 in