U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

World Privacy Forum Requests That CMS Bring Its Medicare Part D Data Activities Under HIPAA and Require Certificates of Confidentiality to Protect Patient Privacy

Medical privacy | Medicare Part D — In comments filed with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the World Privacy Forum requested that CMS give effect to data restrictions that Congress has expressly included in the law. WPF also requested that CMS include in its standard agreements for use of CMS data a requirement that the recipient obtain a certification of confidentiality for all identifiable CMS data. WPF also requested that CMS perform a regulatory impact analysis and publish a system of records notice.

Public Comments: December 2006 – Medical privacy / Medicare Part D World Privacy Forum Requests That CMS Bring Its Medicare Part D Data Activities Under HIPAA and Require Certificates of Confidentiality to Protect Patient Privacy

In comments filed with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the World Privacy Forum requested that CMS give effect to data restrictions that Congress has expressly included in the law. WPF also requested that CMS include in its standard agreements for use of CMS data a requirement that the recipient obtain a certification of confidentiality for all identifiable CMS data. WPF also requested that CMS perform a regulatory impact analysis and publish a system of records notice.

World Privacy Forum Comments on Proposed Policy for Genetic Database

Genetic privacy — Genome-wide association studies present complex and challenging privacy issues. The National Institutes of Health, in a published request for information, asked for public comment on its proposed policy regarding its support and management of a central genomic repository for genome-wide association studies. In comments filed with the National Institutes of Health, the World Privacy Forum raised concerns about the proposed NIH policy in the specific areas of genetic identifiability, secondary uses of the genetic data, oversight, legal protections, and informed consent.

Public Comments: October 2006 Comments to National Institutes of Health regarding its Request for Information for Genome Wide Association Studies repository policy.

Genome-wide association studies present complex and challenging privacy issues. The National Institutes of Health, in a published request for information, asked for public comment on its proposed policy regarding its support and management of a central genomic repository for genome-wide association studies. In comments filed with the National Institutes of Health, the World Privacy Forum raised concerns about the proposed NIH policy in the specific areas of genetic identifiability, secondary uses of the genetic data, oversight, legal protections, and informed consent.

World Privacy Forum Comments on “Red Flag” Guidelines for Identity Theft, Requests Addition of Medical Identity Theft to Red Flag Rule

Identity theft | medical identity theft — The World Privacy Forum filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission, the Treasury, and other federal agencies today regarding the joint draft rule on “Red Flags” for identity theft. In its comments, the World Privacy Forum requested that medical identity theft be added to several aspects and portions of the proposed rule. Adding medical identity theft to the rule is essential to help close gaps in protection for consumers and to encourage health care providers to attend to victims’ challenges and needs regarding medical identity theft.