
World Privacy Forum Files Comments on a Proposed DHS rulemaking; asks the Department to make a Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

Privacy Act of 1974 — In response to a proposed Department of Homeland Security rulemaking regarding a system of records, the World Privacy Forum filed comments requesting changes. The primary objections are that the proposed system of records commingles records and functions, the proposed exemption is inconsistent with the system notice, and DHS’s proposed exemption from civil remedies was not correct, among other issues. The World Privacy Forum stated in its comments that the Department of Homeland Security should demonstrate its commitment to accountability and transparency in the rulemaking.

Public Comments: September 2006 Proposed Regulations on Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003

Medical identity theft is both an information crime and a health crime. In this crime, a victim’s medical identity is stolen or appropriated in some way. Victims’ financial life may be impacted, and there may be other complicating factors. Medical identity theft occurs when someone uses a person’s name and sometimes other parts of their identity – such as a Social Security Number– without the victim’s knowledge or consent to obtain medical services or goods, or when someone uses an individual’s identity to obtain money by falsifying claims for medical services and falsifying medical records to support those claims.

World Privacy Forum Comments on “Red Flag” Guidelines for Identity Theft, Requests Addition of Medical Identity Theft to Red Flag Rule

Identity theft | medical identity theft — The World Privacy Forum filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission, the Treasury, and other federal agencies today regarding the joint draft rule on “Red Flags” for identity theft. In its comments, the World Privacy Forum requested that medical identity theft be added to several aspects and portions of the proposed rule. Adding medical identity theft to the rule is essential to help close gaps in protection for consumers and to encourage health care providers to attend to victims’ challenges and needs regarding medical identity theft.

World Privacy Forum Announces Plans to File FTC Complaint About AOL Search Data Release

Internet privacy — The World Privacy Forum announced today that it would be filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission about the posting by AOL of a portion of its users’ search data on the Internet. While the data was not expressly identified by name, the search queries themselves included in some cases personally identifiable information such as individuals’ names, Social Security Numbers, and myriad other personal information. The World Privacy Forum urges consumers to take precautions when using search engines.

World Privacy Forum Comments on Privacy Issues Relating to a Nationwide Genetic Research Project

Genetic privacy — The collection of DNA material from 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more individuals as part of a large U.S. medical research project raises many challenging ethical, legal, and privacy issues. An advisory committee reporting to the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services ( the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health and Society) has published a detailed analysis of the issues such a project and its associated databases and biobanks would raise in a draft report. The committee’s final report and policy recommendations will be submitted to the Secretary of HHS. The World Privacy Forum has submitted public comments on the draft; the comments include key policy recommendations.
The Forum’s recommendations include the need to provide protection from compelled disclosure of information, the necessity for a full-time project privacy officer with enforcement power, the need to address identifiability issues, and the need for a far-reaching and robust privacy policy that exceeds the requirements of HIPAA, among other recommendations.