Privacy News

Privacy News: Historic Data Broker Regulation in the US Welcomed by World Privacy Forum

PDF Version of Release here 24 May 2018  For Immediate Release Historic Data Broker Regulation in the United States Welcomed by World Privacy Forum Vermont: First state to adopt modern rules for unregulated data brokers WPF call for data broker protections to be elevated to national level and provided for consumers in all states in

The Profound Implications of U.S. v. Microsoft

In the world of privacy and global digital communications, the case of the United States v. Microsoft is a big deal. In June 2016 Microsoft won a victory in the case in the U.S. 2nd Circuit. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court surprised many when it announced that it granted a petition to review Microsoft’s

In Memoriam: Joseph Alhadeff

I note with sadness the passing of Joseph Alhadeff over the Memorial Day weekend. Joseph was a thoughtful and important person in the privacy world who has left behind a substantial body of work and a legacy of privacy thought of the utmost quality. Joseph was deeply knowledgeable about privacy and technology, and he was unafraid

New World Privacy Forum report finds the Precision Medicine Initiative is lacking in legal privacy protections

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: San Diego — The World Privacy Forum today published a report finding that the Precision Medicine Initiative has laudable goals, but that many core privacy questions are unaddressed and unanswered. President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) is an ambitious program with a goal of gathering the freely volunteered health and biospecimen data of over a million people to facilitate medical research. According to World Privacy Forum’s analysis of the PMI documents and plans, the 1 million planned volunteers may be getting more exposure than they bargained for after they donate their medical records and biospecimens to the volunteer research effort.