Podcast: Privacy on the Ground

WPF “Privacy on the Ground” Podcast Series 1: Indigenous Data Leaders

Our first series of WPF’s Privacy on the Ground podcast illuminates an important-yet-underexplored body of scholarly work and practice with profound implications for privacy: Indigenous Data Sovereignty. The Indigenous leaders spotlighted in these talks illuminate what Indigenous data protection really means at the ground level, and why it matters in relation to privacy. With host Kate Kaye.

Introducing WPF’s Privacy on the Ground Podcast 

It is my great pleasure to introduce our new podcast, Privacy on the Ground. This podcast is about all of the things World Privacy Forum has been researching, writing about and working on for more than 20 years, but in a format for today’s audiences. Our groundbreaking work on data governance, data protection, privacy, and complex technologies and ecosystems is often concentrated in dense reports that can take years to research and produce. Our podcasts enable us to bring the compelling people, stories, places, news, and ideas we find in the course of our work to the public faster and in an episodic format that allows us to highlight the richness and depth of the people, stories, trends, and ideas you won’t find anywhere else.