News, Press, and Media

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World Privacy Forum in the News:

A list of stories WPF has been quoted in from our early work to our most recent.

Press Contact:

+1 760-712-4281 or

World Privacy Forum and the Media:

The World Privacy Forum is a non-profit public interest research group with well-established privacy expertise. WPF is widely cited in major news outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Associated Press, Forbes, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, NPR, Time, Newsweek, Modern Healthcare, Politico, International Herald Tribune, International Business Times, Wissen, Agence France Presse, and many others. 

Press Releases:

See below.

Interview: Pam Dixon on air

Pam Dixon maintained a long-standing weekly tech segment on ClearChannel for many years. (Monterey Bay, Salinas, Santa Cruz). Many of the discussions revolved around privacy. If you would like links, headlines, and information related to the weekly broadcasts, check or follow Pam Dixon’s Facebook page, where updates are posted.

Privacy News: WPF Complaint to FTC Results in Online Data Broker Settlements

Data Broker Settlement — In April 2009, the World Privacy Forum sent the FTC a complaint regarding a lack of online opt-outs for consumers at some online data broker web sites. Our complaint focused on the difficulties online consumers would have opting out of certain web sites. In our complaint, we noted that online consumers were having difficulties with the opt outs. Today the FTC issued a final decision in this matter, and specifically improved online opt outs for consumers at US Search.

WPF participating at TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue meeting

TACD — The World Privacy Forum participated in the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue meetings in Brussels this June, and is pleased to announce that WPF is now a full member of the TACD. The TACD is a network of 80 EU and U.S. consumer organizations that develop joint consumer policy recommendations for the EU and U.S. in an effort to promote the consumer interest in transatlantic policymaking.

World Privacy Forum files comments with the FTC regarding proposed rules for health care-related data breaches

Data Breach of Health Records – FTC — The World Privacy Forum filed extensive comments with the Federal Trade Commission today regarding its notice of proposed rulemaking for data breaches of information containing actual health care information or health care-related information. The FTC rulemaking will apply to a variety of record holders, especially vendors of personal health records. The Forum supported much of the FTC’s proposed rulemaking, finding the rulemaking generally thoughtful and careful. In some areas, the Forum urged the FTC to narrow and further define and strengthen the proposed rule. The World Privacy Forum urged the FTC to tighten language around scope, the definition of “personal health record,” law enforcement delays of consumer notification, and urged the FTC to further clarify the definition of what falls under the category of “de-identified data.” Citing the research of Dr. LaTanya Sweeney and others, the Forum urged the FTC to require commercial companies and others holding health care data that has been partially de-identified to still report those breaches to the FTC and the public, and to monitor for re-identification.