News, Press, and Media

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World Privacy Forum in the News:

A list of stories WPF has been quoted in from our early work to our most recent.

Press Contact:

+1 760-712-4281 or

World Privacy Forum and the Media:

The World Privacy Forum is a non-profit public interest research group with well-established privacy expertise. WPF is widely cited in major news outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Associated Press, Forbes, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, NPR, Time, Newsweek, Modern Healthcare, Politico, International Herald Tribune, International Business Times, Wissen, Agence France Presse, and many others. 

Press Releases:

See below.

News Release: Senior ID Theft is Increasing

June 07, 2013 Washington, D. C. — Pam Dixon testified at a US Federal Trade Commission workshop event regarding the challenges seniors and their caregivers have in detecting, preventing, and handling the aftermath of medical identity theft. Dixon discussed how the crime impacts seniors in larger proportions than other parts of the population, and discussed

Pam Dixon writes about India’s National ID Card in May/June issue of Foreign Policy Magazine

India’s national biometric ID card — In the May/June, 2013 issue of Foreign Policy Magazine, Pam Dixon writes about the privacy issues related to India’s national biometric ID card. In the piece, Mission Creep, Dixon discusses how government-issued biometric ID cards that serve as national ID cards and as the basis for employment and financial transactions create profound civil liberties and privacy challenges that are neither easily or well-constrained by government policy.