International Privacy

Governing Data for Development: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

The World Privacy Forum is pleased to announce its work on a new project with the Center for Global Development (CGD). This project, Governing Data for Development, is led by CGD, with WPF’s Executive Director Pam Dixon as co-chair of the project working group with co-chair and Oxford professor Benno Ndulu, who is also the former Governor of the Central Bank of Tanzania. The project, which has been underway for a year, has produced its first report, which is a scoping report based on interviews with key stakeholders. This blog post, which provides background on the project and links to the first project report, is being jointly posted at WPF and CGD.

Expert Commentary: Kenya follows the path of European-style Data Protection

Guest Post by Dr. Isaac Rutenberg, Director and Senior Lecturer, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya. On the 8th of November, the President of Kenya signed into law the Data Protection Act 2019. This action completed a process that spanned more than a decade, and allows Kenya to enter a new phase with respect to the evolving centricity and treatment of data in society. This article looks at the content of the Act, highlights important and interesting provisions, and concludes with predictions as to the implementation.

The importance of Doing No Harm: India’s plan to create a new national facial recognition database

This coming Friday, the government of India is planning to announce the winner of a Request For Proposals to create a large, national, centralized facial recognition system for law enforcement purposes. The tender for the project outlines an ambitious program of facial surveillance in India utilizing image databases that law enforcement officers could access in

Roundtable of African Data Protection Authorities (RADPA): Report now public

The first Roundtable of African Data Protection Authorities was a wide-ranging and vibrant roundtable conversation on the status and response to privacy risks in identity systems on the continent of Africa. The dialogue focused on data protection and privacy experiences, challenges, risks, and solutions in identity ecosystems, including biometrics. It was an extraordinary, first-of-its-kind event, and the DPAs had notable experiences and thoughts to share. These thoughts are captured in the Rapporteur’s report, which was written by WPF’s Pam Dixon.