ID Ecosystem

National IDs Over Time: Interactive chart

About this Data Visualization: This interactive chart displays the chronological implementation of National IDs in countries globally, from 1850 to 2017. The raw dataset used to create the chart originates from the World Bank (See data sourcing below). This dataset covers high, middle and lower income countries. How to use this map: This is an interactive

ID Ecosystem meetings ongoing

ID Ecosystem — WPF is participating in the ID Ecosystem meetings as a consumer privacy representative. Senior Projects Manager Marianne Fitzpatrick is taking the lead on this project, and is working on general privacy and financial privacy areas. The next meeting of the ID Ecosystem is Tuesday March 5. The ID Ecosystem meetings are open to the public. The meetings are important, as this process will set the stage regarding how online identities are managed.

World Privacy Forum and Electronic Frontier Foundation File Public Comments on REAL ID

REAL ID | National ID — The World Privacy Forum and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed joint comments with the Department of Homeland Security about the proposed national ID system, REAL ID. The comments discuss the substantial flaws in the proposed REAL ID system including concerns about the overall structure of the program, the cards, the databases attached to the cards, the lack of controls on “function creep,” the possibilities for discrimination, the potential for increased risk of identity theft, issues related to potential gaps in coverage for recipients on Federal programs, among other issues.