
Consumer Tips: Facebook Privacy Guide – Key Things to Know Before Hitting Someone Else’s Wall

  FAQ: I am new to Facebook. What do I need to know about posting to someone else’s Timeline?   When you first join Facebook, you can discover many old friends, acquaintances and relatives you may have lost touch with and want to recontact. It can be exhilarating to find so many of your contacts

Consumer Tips: Facebook Privacy Guide – How to Turn On Secure Browsing

Facebook gives you the option to use use secure browsing when a secure connection is available. This is a security option that all Facebook users should use. It is a no-brainer to say yes to. Facebook has turned this option on by default, but the rollout for this option may not have reached your area. Also, there may be some country-level differences. It is worth taking a few steps to make sure turn this option is on. It is well worth it, and we highly recommend it for all users.

Complete 2013 Update to WPF’s Landmark Patient’s Guide to HIPAA

San Diego, CA — The World Privacy Forum is very pleased to announce the publication of a major undertaking, the complete update and revision to our landmark Patient’s Guide to HIPAA. The new guide reflects the changes in HIPAA that took effect September 23, 2013. The Patient’s Guide to HIPAA is a landmark publication because it is the first and to our knowledge — only complete guide written expressly for patients. It offers a roadmap through the thicket of dense health privacy laws and rules that many patients have questions about. The purpose of this guide is to help patients understand how to make health privacy laws work to protect their privacy. Longtime World Privacy Forum contributor Bob Gellman is primary author of the Guide, including the new version. Begin exploring the update at the HIPAA Guide Home: .