Events and Conferences

WPF and Brookings co-hosting Biometric Roundtable at International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners

The World Privacy Forum and the Brookings Institution will co-host a Biometric Roundtable Wednesday, October 23 at the International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners’ Conference in Tirana, Albania. Cam Kerry of Brookings and Pam Dixon of WPF will co-moderate the discussion. The purpose of the Biometrics Roundtable is to promote a dialogue between the data

Roundtable of African Data Protection Authorities (RADPA): Report now public

The first Roundtable of African Data Protection Authorities was a wide-ranging and vibrant roundtable conversation on the status and response to privacy risks in identity systems on the continent of Africa. The dialogue focused on data protection and privacy experiences, challenges, risks, and solutions in identity ecosystems, including biometrics. It was an extraordinary, first-of-its-kind event, and the DPAs had notable experiences and thoughts to share. These thoughts are captured in the Rapporteur’s report, which was written by WPF’s Pam Dixon.

WPF events and activities Jan. & Feb. 2019

Highlights of WPF events in January and February, 2019. January: CES 2019 WPF will be participating in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2019 Jan. 8-11, 2019. CES is the largest electronics show in the world and serves as advance notice for emerging technologies and privacy trends. WPF’s schedule at CES is as follows: Tuesday Jan. 8