EU – US Privacy Shield

Report — US – EU Privacy Shield Analysis: Winners and Losers

This substance of this analysis is about the new EU-US Privacy Shield, with contextual background and an analysis of how this new proposal compares to the old EU-US Safe Harbor agreement. The analysis includes a discussion of winners and losers in Privacy Shield, and discusses its potential future.

Proposed EU-US Privacy Shield Program enters new phase with release of details

The US and the European Commission have released details about the proposed Privacy Shield program, formerly known as the “EU-US Safe Harbor Framework.” A key takeaway on US side is that the program will still rely on self-certification, although with improved verification and monitoring mechanisms. For its part, the US Department of Commerce has released a 132-page package containing the program principles, letters from the

Update: EU, US reach new Safe Harbor deal

Update for February 29, 2016: The US and the European Commission have released new details about the proposed Privacy Shield program. We have published a new post about this release here. Briefly, the US Department of Commerce has released a 132-page package containing the program principles, letters from the FTC, the Department of Transportation, the Office of the Director