Digitial Identity

National IDs Around the World — Interactive map

About this Data Visualization: This interactive map displays the presence of National IDs and electronic IDs, including biometric IDs, in countries globally. The raw dataset used to create the map data originates from the World Bank (See data sourcing below). This dataset covers high, middle and lower income countries. How to use this map: There are

US Government 20th Joint Assessment Report, AG Guidelines, and more

There are many transparency documents that have been published relating to the US Intelligence Community. There are new updates to several key documents, which we have listed and linked below. While admittedly dense reading, these are key privacy-related documents relevant to US Government operations and activities and taken together, are an important resource. January 2021

WPF executive director Pam Dixon to present lecture at National Academy of Sciences on the future of data science and privacy

Executive Director Pam Dixon to present a featured lecture at National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine at its Colloquium: The Future of Data Science  Pam Dixon’s lecture will be Wednesday October 28 from 12:00-12:45 am Eastern. The lecture focuses on forthcoming and converging trends, and is titled Looking Ten Years Ahead: Key Converging Technologies in Computing, Data, and

Africa’s Rising Leadership in Privacy: breaking new ground before and during the COVID-19 crisis

Numerous African countries, having passed new privacy laws during and after the time the GDPR was being negotiated, have broken new ground by advancing privacy thought in new and important ways which stretch past the boundaries of the GDPR and contextualize privacy for African contexts. The COVID-19 crisis represents a major test of some of the new data governance systems.

World Privacy Forum named as a top ten digital identity influencing organization globally 

WPF has been recognized as one of the leading organizations globally influencing privacy, security, inclusion, and fairness in digital identity systems. Goode Intelligence, which produces an annual report on digital identity around the world, has named WPF as a top ten globally influencing organization, as well as ID4Africa, Women in Identity, and others.  WPF has