Complex Data Ecosystems

WPF comments to NIST regarding its differential privacy guidance

WPF submitted comments to the National Institute of Standards and Technology regarding its Draft Guidelines for Evaluating Differential Privacy Guarantees. The comments approach the NIST Draft Guidance from a policy perspective, and urged changes to some parts of the definitional language in the Draft Guidance. Key areas of the comments include: A discussion of the

WPF comments to CFPB regarding notice of proposed rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights

WPF submitted comments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding its notice of proposed rulemaking regarding Personal Financial Data Rights. This was a particularly important NPRM because it touches on multiple aspects of financial data in our modern era, which means that it touches privacy, identity, poverty, and digital rights in the financial sector. WPF

WPF participates in White House Roundtable on Data Brokers

The World Privacy Forum was honored to participate in a White House Roundtable on the topic of Data Brokers, a topic WPF has spent decades researching and working on. In its readout of the roundtable, the White House noted that “Participants underscored how the data broker economy enables discriminatory practices in credit underwriting, insurance, housing,

WPF’s contribution to ID4Africa Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection in ID Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 2023

The World Privacy Forum is pleased to provide a summary of Executive Director Pam Dixon’s work in Nairobi, Kenya at the ID4Africa AGM. Dixon served as the Senior Special Rapporteur for two workshops at the 2023 ID4Africa Annual General Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya 23-25 May. In June, ID4Africa hosted a live cast of  key participants from