Best Practices

WPF advises NIST regarding synthetic content and data governance

WPF filed comments with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology regarding its draft governance plan regarding synthetic content. WPF’s comments focused on 7 recommendationsWPF’s comments focused on 7 recommendations ranging from technical to policy issues. One overarching recommendation was that NIST ensure that human rights were attended to in all of its plans. Additional recommendations include requesting that NIST attend to the risks of digital exhaust in metadata, ensure that biometric data is included in the guidance, among other recommendations.

WPF announces participation in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC)

The World Privacy Forum is pleased to announce that it has joined more than 200 of the nation’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) stakeholders to participate in a Department of Commerce initiative to support the development and deployment of trustworthy and safe AI. Established by the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in February 2024, the U.S. AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC) brings together AI creators and users, academics, government and industry researchers, and civil society organizations to meet this mission.

OECD Going Digital Horizontal Project: news and event

WPF’s Executive Director Pam Dixon will be presenting at an upcoming OECD Workshop on the topic of data stewardship, access, sharing, and control in regards to national data strategies. WPF will be speaking as a organizational member of the formal civil society stakeholder group at OECD (CSISAC).  The topic of digitalization is one that OECD

WPF commends CAIDP’s AI and Democratic Values Index

WPF commends the publication of the Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values Index by the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP). The Index, which was published 21 February 2022, contains an overview of AI implementation in the country-level context, covering 50 countries, and focusing on how implementations are progressing. WPF’s Executive Director, Pam Dixon, contributed to

Roundtable: Are current models of data protection fit for purpose? Understanding the consequences for economic development

WPF’s Executive Director Pam Dixon will be moderating a Center for Global Development roundtable May 20 to discuss data governance models from the perspective of low and middle income countries. This is part of her ongoing work as co-chair of the Governing Data for Development project working group. Michael Pisa, CGD Policy Fellow and lead for