Half-day tutorial on AI Governance, Data Protection, and Privacy: Advanced problem-solving for Computer Vision and More

WPF has organized a robust and interactive tutorial on advanced AI governance and privacy for Computer Vision systems (and beyond), to be held at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). WACV is the premier international computer vision event comprised of a main conference and several co-located workshops and tutorials.

What makes this AI governance and data protection tutorial compelling? The 8 speakers for this tutorial are working at the top of their respective fields, with presentations that combine to make a muscular, socio-technical dive into today’s most pressing issues around AI technology, governance, privacy, and policy structures. This tutorial is arranged in a logical flow that moves participants through the technical and the policy aspects of advanced systems development and governance. including technical, legal, ethical, and privacy analysis, as well as emerging norms and additional considerations to be aware of. The tutorial will include ample time for analysis and discussion, and will be participatory.

WPF participates in White House Roundtable on Data Brokers

The World Privacy Forum was honored to participate in a White House Roundtable on the topic of Data Brokers, a topic WPF has spent decades researching and working on. In its readout of the roundtable, the White House noted that “Participants underscored how the data broker economy enables discriminatory practices in credit underwriting, insurance, housing,

WPF’s contribution to ID4Africa Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection in ID Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 2023

The World Privacy Forum is pleased to provide a summary of Executive Director Pam Dixon’s work in Nairobi, Kenya at the ID4Africa AGM. Dixon served as the Senior Special Rapporteur for two workshops at the 2023 ID4Africa Annual General Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya 23-25 May. In June, ID4Africa hosted a live cast of  key participants from

Emerging Technologies, Human Subject Research, and the Common Rule: High level overview of the 2023 OHRP Research Community Forum

Earlier this month, WPF attended a joint conference focused on the shifting dynamics of how the Common Rule that governs human subject research in the US will be interpreted amidst new technological shifts such as AI. The department of Health and Human Services is seeking to define what the next steps and new policy frameworks should be to ensure the Common Rule protects individuals in current and future research environments. Details on the presentations, conversations, and key takeaways in the post.