WPF joining Office of US Deputy Attorney General Roundtable Discussion on AI risks to privacy and consumer rights as participant

The Office of the Deputy Attorney General has invited WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon  to join a roundtable discussion on AI’s potential to magnify and accelerate risks to privacy and consumer rights, and opportunities for AI to advance the Department of Justice’s mission to protect the rights of consumers.  This roundtable is part of the “Justice AI” initiative launched by the Deputy AG in February 2024 to bring together varied perspectives to better understand and prepare for how AI will affect the Department’s mission, including its mission to protect civil rights.

Justice AI roundtable conversations are closed to the press and conducted under Chatham House Rules.

DATE:    August 15, 20224

TIME:    2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

PLACE: U.S. Department of Justice

Robert F. Kennedy Federal Building

  • Posted August 14, 2024 in