Africa’s Rising Leadership in Privacy: breaking new ground before and during the COVID-19 crisis
Earlier this year, for its 2020 Almanac, ID4Africa asked WPF to write a perspective on data protection in Africa and COVID-19 impacts. The article is now published on ID4Africa’s Hub.
Why Africa, and why now? African countries have been steadily enacting data protection laws that bring their respective privacy and data protection requirements up to date with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is widely considered to be the baseline privacy standard of today. But that is not the only headline of what has been happening on the continent of Africa. Many African countries, having passed new privacy laws during and after the GDPR was negotiated, have broken new ground by advancing privacy thought in new and important ways which stretch past the boundaries of the GDPR and contextualize privacy for African contexts. The COVID-19 crisis represents a major test of the new data governance and protection systems.
Article in English: Africa’s Rising Leadership in Privacy
Article en Français: Le leadership croissant de l’Afrique en matière de vie privée
Les pays africains promulguent constamment des lois portant sur la protection des données, qui mettent leurs exigences en matière de vie privée et de protection des données à jour du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) qui est largement considéré comme la norme de confidentialité de base aujourd’hui. Cependant, cela ne constitue pas la une de ce qui se passe sur le continent africain. Beaucoup de pays africains, qui ont voté des nouvelles lois relatives à la confidentialité après la négociation du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD), ont fait de nouveaux progrès en la matière en termes d’innovation et d’importance, franchissant les frontières du RGPD et contextualisant la vie privée dans les contextes Africains.
Related Work
RADPA: Proceedings of the first Roundtable of African Data Protection Authorities: Status and response to privacy risks in Identity Systems (English) (Pam Dixon, rapporteur, ID4Africa event, June 2019.)
RADPA: Proceedings in French
From ID4Africa: See Mauritius DPA and Morocco DPA discuss privacy and identity during COVID-19. Id4Africa livecast (recorded): Spotlight on Unique Digital Identity Numbers / Pleins feux sur les numèros d’identité uniques