FTC announces expanded settlement with Uber, WPF comments included

The FTC finalized an expanded settlement with Uber, Inc. regarding the company’s data security practices. According to the FTC complaint, in the midst of the Commission’s original investigation, Uber experienced a second serious breach and waited more than a year after learning of the breach before informing the public or the Commission. The World Privacy Forum

ED Pam Dixon calls for a Nuremberg Code of digital ethics, addresses 40th international conference of data protection and privacy commissioners

Speaking to an audience of global Data Protection Authorities in the capstone session of the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon discussed the central importance that data should be used for a public good, and must above all, should not create harm. Referencing her extensive peer-reviewed research

World Privacy Forum statement on federal privacy regulation & data brokers

The current debate over federal privacy regulation must be inclusive of secondary and tertiary uses of consumer data. WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon says: “Through our longstanding work regarding data brokers and related harms to consumers, it is abundantly clear that if Congress enacts privacy legislation that fails to effectively regulate data brokers and stop the consumer harms they directly cause, any legislation enacted will be a failure.”

India’s Supreme Court delivers long-awaited Aadhaar decision

India’s Supreme Court has released its consequential decision in the Aadhaar case. We will be writing much more about this consequential decision in the days and years to come. The decision is more than 1,400 pages long and contains an historically important dissent. Read the full text of the decision: Supreme Court Aadhaar Judgment 26

WPF calls on Secretary of Homeland Security to provide formal notice and comment and address substantive concerns regarding the CBP biometric entry and exit program

The World Privacy Forum sent a detailed letter (PDF, 18 pages) September 18, 2018 to the Secretary of Homeland security outlining our substantive concerns regarding the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) biometric[1]entry and exit program. The World Privacy Forum[2]letter calls on the Secretary to provide formal