Privacy in India Video Series: WPF

India and Privacy — WPF has researched privacy extensively in India, and has documented a number of key privacy issues in a video series. So far, 5 videos in the series have been released. All of the videos were shot on location in India and feature Pam Dixon, with videographer Blake Hamilton. These videos offer a rare and early glimpse into privacy interactions and issues in India. WPF will be releasing one more video on biometric ID cards in India. The national biometric identification system being deployed in India is called Aadhaar, or the Total ID. This national digital identity ecosystem and biometric project is the largest known biometric deployment in the world to date.

See the WPF India Privacy Series:

  • Children and Privacy: India Series … This video focuses on children’s privacy from a global perspective. We were in south India conducting interviews on privacy, and had the opportunity to talk with these children about privacy. We came away with some surprising results.
  • Medical Privacy in India: India Series … India’s health system is going electronic, and mobile. This is a first-hand look inside the system.
  • Privacy by Obscurity: India Series … This video was shot in Mysore, India on location, and shows the dual nature of Indian culture right now. It is rapidly transitioning into a digital era, with intriguing remnants of old ways of doing things. This video shows the ancient and the modern in juxtaposition regarding mobile phones and India.
  • Thoughts on Privacy in India: India Series … This video summarizes much of what we saw and learned after studying privacy in India. India is an ancient and highly complex culture, and yet it is moving rapidly toward a modern digital culture. This brings certain tensions, and this video explores those.
  • Reimagining Privacy in a Digital Era: Privacy Series … This video is the first in the  India video series, and it outlines how privacy today must be reimagined, in India, and in the US. “We must reimagine privacy for our era” is a phrase Pam Dixon is heard to say often.